Product Portfolio

My Services

Having more than 10 years experience in the data science field, I offer following services:

Microsoft Azure

Cloud Data Services: MLOps, Model training, ETL, Data Engineering

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Data Engineering

ETL pipelines, Database Development, Data Modelling, Feature Engineering

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Data Science

Consulting, Analysis Service, Data Mining, Data Visualization

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Image Processing & Analysis

Automated Object Detection, Classification, etc.

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Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

Prototyping, Optimization and Deployment of ML models

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Software Engineering

Development for Python-Based Projects

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My Projects

2023 University Cologne (CECAD Imaging Facility)

Python Developer, Frontend and Backend

Development of an exporter for OMERO, a database for biomedical image data

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Python developer, ML Engineer, AI Expert (image analysis, computer vision)

Automated detection of neurons in microscopic images with artificial intelligence.

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2023 Industry

Data Scientist

Feature ranking analysis for an industrial manufacturing facility.

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2023 DekaBank

Python Developer / Data Engineer

Frontend and backend development of a web application for portfolio management.

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2022 DekaBank

Python Developer / Data Engineer

Frontend and backend development of a business intelligence web application.

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2021 Medium-sized Trading and Logistics Company

Data Scientist and Data Engineer

Development of AI based sales prediction models.

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2020 Research Institute

Data Engineer / Project Lead

Design and implementation of a Postgres database for data management of an automation system.

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Data Scientist / Python Developer

Development of a machine learning application for the analysis of sensor data.

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Python Developer / Project Lead

Development of YAPiC, an open source software for analyzing biomedical image data using deep learning.

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Data Scientist / Image Processing Specialist

Automated characterization of tissue samples using deep learning

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Python Developer, DevOps

Development of a parallelized image analysis pipeline for processing massive image data of an automated microscope.

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Data Scientist Drug Discovery

Drug Screening Analysis including Feature Engineering, Clustering and Ranking Analysis

My Technology Stack


Python Matlab Javascript
Data Science
Pandas Sciki-Learn TensorFlow Keras Dash Plotly Spark
Image Analysis
Scikit-Image ImageJ CellProfiler
Postgres MSSQL Server Parquet Spark SQLite MongoDB
Git GitLab GitHub TravisCI Docker
Advanced Trainings


I have successfully completed the following training courses:

Azure Data Scientist Associate
Azure Data Scientist Associate

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Azure Fundamentals
Azure Fundamentals

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Azure Data Fundamentals
Azure Data Fundamentals

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Azure AI Fundamentals
Azure AI Fundamentals

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My professional background


I have more than 10 years of practical experience as a Data Scientist, AI expert, image analysis specialist and Python developer. I use AI methods pragmatically and can critically assess their benefits.

As a long-time leader of a data analysis service department in a scientific environment, I have gained experience in project management and personnel recruitment and actively participated in the development of new technologies.

As a Data Scientist in the field of wholesale and distribution, I know the requirements of medium-sized companies and can develop customized solutions in the field of AI, Big Data and Data Engineering with a sense of proportion for the respective budget framework.

Among others, I have worked on the following use cases:

  • Prediction of sales figures (wholesale and retail)
  • Processing and analysis of sensor data (biotechnology)
  • Automated object recognition in medical image data (Biomedical Research).
  • Data Science Consulting and Data Engineering and Big Data handling for the development of new therapies (drug discovery, pharma)
  • Backend and frontend development of web based BI dashboards (investment banking).

Work Experience

since 2022 Möhl Data Services

Freelance Data Scientist

2021-2022 IPS Press Services GmbH, Meckenheim, Germany

Data Scientist and Data Engineer

Development of AI based sales prediction models.

2009-2021 German Center of Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), Bonn, Germany

Leader of Image and Data Analysis Facility

Lead Data Scientist of a workgroup offering inhouse sofware development and data consulting services for research groups in the field of biomedical research.

2009-2011 EMBL (European Molecular Biology Lab), Biophysics Unit, Gilmour Group, Heidelberg, Germany

Research associate (PostDoc)

Development of quantitative fluorescence microscopy assays in the field of zebrafish development.

2006-2009 Research Centre Jülich, Biomechanics Unit, Merkel Group, Jülich, Germany

Research associate (PhD candidate)

Development of quantitative fluorescence microscopy assays in the field of cell mechanics and cell migration.

My Education

2006-2009 Research Center Jülich, Germany

PhD Biophysics

Quantitative live cell imaging studies on focal adhesion dynamics in migrating skin cells.

1999-2005 University of Bonn, Germany

Diploma Biology/Computer Science

Thesis: Mathematical Modelling and Measurement of Cell Migration Dynamics (Group of Wolfgang Alt)

Articles and Talks


Context-Enriched Data: The Secret Superpower for Your Deep Learning Model

In this post, I would like to share with you my approach to optimize input data for deep learning models. I have successfully applied it in my work as a data scientist and data engineer. On the basis of practical examples you will learn how to enrich model input data with contextual information.

How to Encode Periodic Time Features

Thoughtful processing of dates, days of the week and times of day for deep learning and other prediction models.

Scientific Articles

See my ORCID profile for a full list of publications.

Talks (selection)

  • Introducing YAPiC: An open source tool for biologists to perform complex image segmentation with deep learning. Neubias Conference, Bordeaux, France, 2020

  • Introducing Yapic: A New Tool for Biologists to Perform Complex Image Segmentation with Deep Learning. I2K conference, Heidelberg, Germany, 2018

  • Carl Zeiss Microcopy, LLC: Robust label free cell proliferation measurement with Celldiscoverer 7 and machine learning based image processing. ASCB Philadelphia USA, 2017

  • Advanced Microscopy Methods for Studying Cell Migration. Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge 2015 Video

  • Mapping of cytoskeleton dynamics in migrating cells - how to integrate heterogeneous live imaging data into one consistent picture. ELMI Meeting, Leuven 2012

  • Polarized patterns of actin and focal adhesion dynamics determine directed cell movement. BIOSS Seminar, Universität Freiburg 2010

  • Vinculin exchange dynamics regulates adhesion site maturation and adhesion strength. DPG Conference, Dresden 2009

  • Vinculin exchange dynamics in focal adhesions during maturation. 2nd European Meeting on Cell Mechanics, Barcelona 2007


Contact me if you have any questions or would like to request an offer.