Data Science

  • Data Cleaning
  • Normalization
  • Data Visualization
  • Statistical Analysis
  • Clustering
  • Supervised Classification
  • Regression
  • Feature Engineering

Related Projects

  • Python developer, ML Engineer, AI Expert (image analysis, computer vision)

    Automated detection of neurons in microscopic images with artificial intelligence.

    • Development of a command line tool for Deep Learning based recognition of cell objects in large image files (>10GB)
    • Development of a workflow for users to train an individual Deep Learning model and for quality control purposes
    • Consulting for optimization of data measurement (confocal microscopy).
    • Documentation


  • Data Scientist
    2023 Industry

    Feature ranking analysis for an industrial manufacturing facility.

    • Data import
    • Data cleansing
    • Explorative data analysis
    • Feature analysis
    • Training of supervised machine learning models
    • Feature ranking analysis with SHAP
    • Documentation

    PythonPandasScikit-LearnMachine Learning

  • Data Scientist and Data Engineer
    2021 Medium-sized Trading and Logistics Company

    Development of AI based sales prediction models.

    Design and implementation of an AI-supported prediction model for sales of print media in magazine distribution, prototyping, implementation and deployment of the productive system.

    • Conception of a deep learning model for the prediction of sales figures
    • Development of a data model and ETL processes for processing raw data
    • Implementation of the automated prediction service based on an AI model

    TensorflowPostgresMS SQL ServerPythonSqlalchemyAlembicDockerdocker-composegit

  • Python Developer / Project Lead

    Development of YAPiC, an open source software for analyzing biomedical image data using deep learning.

    • Project management
    • Conception and algorithm development
    • Presentation of the software at international conferences
    • Deployment, development of CI/CD pipelines
    • Management of the further development of the tool by the open source community


    YAPiC Website
  • Data Scientist / Image Processing Specialist

    Automated characterization of tissue samples using deep learning

    As part of a medical research project, tissue samples were photographed with an automated microscope. Based on Python and Tensorflow, software was developed to identify and classify specific cell types in the tissue. In this way, different cell types could be counted automatically for user-defined tissue regions.


  • Data Scientist Drug Discovery

    Drug Screening Analysis including Feature Engineering, Clustering and Ranking Analysis

    • Setup and execution of image analysis pipeline for automated object detection of image based drug screening data.
    • Feature processing and selection
    • Clustering analyses to identify drug candidate groups
    • Development of ranking algorithms to identify drugs with high potential and low toxicity
    • Big Data processing

    PythonCellProfilerPandasNumpyScipyScikitLearnApache Spark